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作者:学堂知识 来源:网络 日期:2024/3/30 10:00:27 人气:3 加入收藏 标签:in the is

Using infinitives as predicate complements in English

Infinitives in English are verb forms that are not inflected for tense, person, or number. They are typically used with the base form of the verb and the word "to" (e.g. to run, to eat, to sleep). In this article, we will explore the topic of using infinitives as predicate complements in English.

What are predicate complements?

Predicate complements are words or phrases used in a sentence to complete the meaning of the main verb. They provide additional information about the subject or the action being described. Predicate complements can be nouns, adjectives, or even verbs in the form of infinitives.


- She is a teacher. (teacher is a predicate nominative complement)

- I feel sick. (sick is a predicate adjective complement)

- We heard him sing. (sing is a predicate verb complement in the form of an infinitive)

Using infinitives as predicate complements

An infinitive can be used as a predicate complement when it provides additional information about the action being described. Infinitives are often used after verbs like "hear", "see", "watch", "feel", and "let". They can also be used after adjectives, prepositions, and other verbs.


- I heard her sing. (sing is an infinitive predicate complement)

- He felt the water start to boil. (start to boil is an infinitive predicate complement)

- We watched the sun rise. (rise is an infinitive predicate complement)

- She is eager to learn. (to learn is an infinitive predicate complement after the adjective eager)

- They decided to go to the movies. (to go is an infinitive predicate complement after the verb decided)

Infinitives can also be used in passive constructions, where they serve as the main verb in the sentence. In this case, the infinitive is preceded by the word "to" and is followed by the preposition "by" and the subject of the action.


- The book was easy to read by children. (to read is an infinitive used as the main verb in a passive construction)

Using infinitives as adverbial modifiers

Infinitives can also be used as adverbial modifiers, providing additional information about the action being described. Infinitives used in this way often express the purpose or reason behind an action.


- She went to the store to buy some milk. (to buy is an infinitive used as an adverbial modifier, expressing the purpose of the action)

- He woke up early to catch the train. (to catch is an infinitive used as an adverbial modifier, expressing the reason for the action)


Infinitives are a versatile tool in the English language, allowing for a variety of constructions and expressions. Using infinitives as predicate complements and adverbial modifiers can add depth and complexity to your writing. As an editor, understanding and utilizing the various functions of the infinitive can help you craft engaging and effective content for your clients.

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