1. She has a very personal style of writing that is unique and engaging.
2. He has a personal connection with the people he works with, and is always ready to help them.
1. This painting is very personal to me, as it was painted by my late grandfather.
2. This book is a personal journal that documents his experiences and thoughts.
1. He enjoys the personal satisfaction that comes from doing a good job.
2. She feels a personal responsibility to make sure her family is taken care of.
在写作中,“personal”是一个非常有用的形容词,可以用来描述人物、事物或情况,强调其与个体相关的特性或属性。通过使用“personal”,可以使读者更好地理解作者对某个主题或观点的独特见解和感受。例如,在写一篇关于个人经历的文章时,可以使用“This experience was very personal to me, as it changed my life forever.”来形容这个经历对作者个人产生的深远影响。