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作者:句子 来源:句子 日期:2023/8/19 18:12:00 人气:6 加入收藏 标签:in the ing and is 中国



2022年7月29日晚,在中国古动物馆,中科院古脊椎动物和古人类学研究所(IVPP)教授托马斯·斯坦哈姆(Thomas A. Stidham)以“鸟类——会飞的神奇恐龙”为题,为小朋友们带来了一场生动的科普讲座。他介绍了“鸟类是恐龙后裔”的多种证据,比如它们如何站立行走、相似的骨骼结构和形状、羽毛和蛋的特点,等等。托马斯来自美国,在中国已经工作了10余年,是一位鸟类进化和化石研究方面的知名专家。我们的采访,就约在了中国古动物馆的一间教室。这家博物馆并不大,主要陈列中国各地发现的脊椎动物化石,比如带羽恐龙、早期有颌鱼类、生活在中国的第一批人类等,尤其是由中国人自主发现、发掘、研究的第一条恐龙——许氏禄丰龙,这些化石为我们展示了脊椎动物的进化历程。教室四周的墙上挂满了我国著名地质学家和古生物学家杨钟健的照片,他是我国古脊椎动物学的开拓者,最早刊发了关于许氏禄丰龙的论文。托马斯说,他的研究涉及多门学科,大家可以称他是进化生物学家、古生物学家、鸟类学家、综合生物学家,甚至是动物考古学家。简单来说,他运用各种方法研究来自中国和世界各地的鸟类化石,研究重点是鸟类的进化。短短两个小时的采访,他带领我们走进神奇的古生物世界。
























Time Traveling and Exploring Life with a Paleontologist?

—Interview with Thomas A. Stidham, a professor at the Institute of Vertebrate

Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Thomas Stidham (United States). He obtained his Ph.D. in integrative biology from the University of California at Berkeley. After graduation, he held a postdoctoral position in the University of California at Berkeley. He worked at Texas A&M University in the USA. He came to China in 2012, and he is a professor of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and an adjunct professor of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has published about 80 papers with many in the leading journals of Nature, Nature

On the evening of July 29, 2022, Thomas A. Stidham, a professor of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP), Chinese Academy of Science, gave a lively science lecture to the assembled children and families titled “Birds are Amazing Flying Dinosaurs” at the Paleozoology Museum of China. He surveyed the different lines of evidence demonstrating that birds are the living descendants of dinosaurs. He focused on how they stand and walk, their shared bone structures and shapes, the characteristics of their feathers and eggs, and other body parts.Thomas, from the United States, has worked in China for more than ten years and is a leading expert in the fossil record and evolution of birds worldwide. Our interview with Thomas was in the science classroom for educational activities at the Paleozoology Museum of China. The museum may not be large, and it tells stories of the fossil record of vertebrates from across China. It records the spectacular discoveries of feathered dinosaurs, early jawed fish, the first humans living in China and Beijing, and even Lufengosaurus, the first dinosaur independently discovered, excavated, and studied by Chinese paleontologists. In addition, the classroom walls are covered with photos of Yang Zhongjian, also known as C.C. Young. Yang is perhaps the most famous Chinese geologist and paleontologist. He pioneered Chinese paleontology and helped to found China’s studies in ancient vertebrate evolution, including describing the first Chinese dinosaur, Lufengosaurus.Thomas explains that he pursues many scientific pathways in his research, and he may be called an evolutionary biologist, a paleontologist, an ornithologist, an integrative biologist, or even a zooarcheologist. Despite that seemingly broad approach to science, he focuses his studies on the evolution of birds by examining their fossils from China and around the world. Over our two-hour-long interview, he helped us to dive into the magical world of ancient creatures.

Q:Why are you interested in paleontology, and why have you devoted yourself to it?

Thomas A. Stidham:I’ve been interested in fossils since I was three. My father gave me my first dinosaur book at that age, and I quickly?remembered the names of all of the dinosaurs in that book and others. The funny thing is that I met the long-retired scientist author of that book many years later while attending my first professional paleontology meeting. When I was four, I started collecting fossil shells in the gravel of my school playgrounds, and I picked up fossils, caught insects and lizards, and looked at rocks throughout my childhood. Science was crucial to my life, and my scientific passion has never stopped. After taking my first geology class during my first year of college, I changed my major to geology from engineering. My pursuit of paleontology, and science in general, has since taken me around the world, including Beijing. It has allowed me to make critical discoveries impacting what we know about the evolution of vertebrates, particularly birds. The study of paleontology and the fossil record tells us many different things. Beyond fossils demonstrating the facts of evolution and extinction, they help to show us our?history on this planet, tell us where we came from, and give us clues as to where we might be going. For a paleontologist, every day is traveling through time and being an explorer who can discover a new species or uncover a page of history that no one knew even existed.

Q:How did you

Thomas A. Stidham:This is my 11th year in China. About 12 years ago, a Chinese friend and colleague, Zhou Zhonghe (former IVPP director), suggested I

Q:You describe and illustrate many bird fossils in your published papers. Please introduce your experience with fieldwork and fossil discovery in China!

Thomas A. Stidham:In China, I have traveled across much of the country for pleasure and research. From digging up dinosaur bones in Inner Mongolia to finding tiny teeth and broken bones in rural Shanxi and remote parts of Xinjiang, I have helped recover thousands of fossils, including new species in our institute. While I’ve found new fossil specimens in China, I have continued to work on bird fossils from around the world. I love doing fieldwork all over the world. However, fieldwork can be seemingly endless days of carefully looking at the ground under a bright summer sun for 12 hours nonstop (hoping for the hint of a fossil tooth or bone fragment). Then there are the rough nights in the same cramped tent. Nevertheless, there is unparalleled excitement in finding new fossils and fossil sites. Not to mention, being with good friends, seeing fantastic sunrises and sunsets with skies full of stars, and watching unique wildlife in remote areas can make one forget all of those hardships.Finding something that no one has ever seen is exciting. I went with Deng Tao, director of IVPP, and several graduate students to Yushe County in Shanxi Province several years ago. Yushe County is well known for its mammal fossils. We explored an area that had not been visited before, where the rocks are a bit geologically younger. We collected heavy bags of rocks with fossils and carried them on our backs to the nearby river. We washed the hundreds of kilograms of sediments through fine screens to capture the tiny fossil bones and teeth as the deposits were washed away. I was pulling the rocks out of the bags to put into the screens and saved one stone from destruction in the screens because I saw a small broken bird foot bone sticking out from the rock. After cleaning it a little with my finger, I recognized it instantly as a bird bone and a bone from a diving bird called a grebe. There are no published papers on fossil grebes (yet) from China, and I knew then that I had just found a new extinct bird species. It was amazing!

Q:How do you feel about working in China after more than ten years?

Thomas A. Stidham:China changed my life in many ways. IVPP is the top institute for vertebrate paleontology in the world. As a scientist, I have grown and developed my research. I’ve been able to work closely with my Chinese colleagues, as well as with student and professional collaborators around the world. The institute is filled with great colleagues, students, and friends, and I’ve published papers or obtained research grants with more than 20 of my colleagues. In addition, I have worked on some of the most fantastic fossils in the world. China has many spectacular fossils, particularly dinosaurs, early birds, and humans. For example, we just published a paper on the first fossil owl active during the day, not at night, and that single fossil skeleton has changed our view of owl evolution. Overall, I’ve been able to focus on and develop my research in ways I wouldn’t have been able to elsewhere.I have taught our

Q:Why is China important to the study of paleontology?

Thomas A. Stidham:There are many reasons why China is crucial. One of those reasons is the people. We have some excellent paleontologists and scientists here. They use cutting-edge equipment and the best analyses, techniques, and methods to study the evolution of life. Our institute also has some of the best facilities in the world, with multiple CT scanners, an ancient DNA lab, an anatomy lab, a great

Q:What recent progress do you see in paleontological research in China?

Thomas A. Stidham:In the last 20 to 30 years, many significant changes have taken place in China related to the study of paleontology. Indeed, the recognition of China as a center of excellence for studying many aspects of the fossil record and the evolution of life has increased significantly. That increase results from many amazing fossil site discoveries across the country, the development of a new generation of well-trained scientists, and international cooperation on essential questions in evolution. Those qualities have led me to a life and career in China. As a result, China is leading the study of many areas of vertebrate evolution with ongoing groundbreaking discoveries and publications, and its paleontologists are well-integrated into global research circles.

Q:You have published many scientific papers on bird fossils. How do you study fossils?

Thomas A. Stidham:Everything starts with the fossil specimen. For a bird bone fossil, first, you need to determine which bone of the skeleton it is. Then, you have to look in detail at the features on the bone, like scars from where muscles are attached, articulations with other bones, and any natural holes or openings. For more

Q:What do you think is the meaning or impact of paleontological research?

Thomas A. Stidham:Firstly, I think paleontology allows us to know our history on this planet. Every discovery, or new fossil, can either add something to that story or it can change everything about what we thought we knew. It can take as little as one bone or tooth to

Q:In recent years, extreme weather has occurred frequently. How does paleontological research help in dealing with future climate change?

Thomas A. Stidham:We just talked about the last 100 years of climate change. The natural question is what will happen in the next hundred or thousand years. The fossil and rock records are crucial to answering that question. We can see many extinctions during the last significant warming event after the end of the last ice age. In one of my studies, we tried to figure out why some large carnivorous birds became extinct, and others didn’t. Our analyses showed that one extinct group of birds called teratorns (giant flying birds on land) ate dead mammoths and mastodons (which became extinct, too). The endangered California Condor ate many of the same animals across North America. Teratorns became extinct because their food became extinct. However, the California Condor survived the extinction event only in California, where it was able to eat meat from marine animals like dead whales and seals. Data like those and from other studies on birds can help us plan to conserve bird diversity in the future of climate change by using what happened in the past to predict what will happen soon. We can predict where species should move, and that knowledge can help us to plan for conservation work to protect biological diversity, like building new national parks, expanding existing ones, or developing plans we haven’t?even thought of yet. This kind of research and broader impact is why I focus on the living groups of birds, not the long-extinct, early-toothed dinosaur-like birds.

Q:In July this year, you participated in the Foreign Experts “Science Classes” project during the National Science and Technology Week and gave a science lecture to young people. How do you feel about doing science outreach in China?

Thomas A. Stidham:Beyond my teaching and effort to train future scientists in China, I’ve put in a lot of effort to promote engagement with science and science careers in Beijing. This work includes developing, organizing, and leading many “dinosaur expert” tours for students and families, public talks, and a family overnight dinosaur program in the museum. The museum director, Wang Yuan, has supported my dinosaur outreach activities. In addition, I frequently run a popular family activity and tour at the UNESCO Zhoukoudian “Peking Man” Site and Museum and other insect and bird field experiences around Beijing. I also have visited many school classrooms across Beijing, giving talks and running activities about dinosaurs, fossils, birds, insects, and other science topics. Seeing the excited children engaging with the fossils and animals I love is great. I also am proud to see the long-term impact of my educational programs as parents continue to send me photos or videos of their children months later showing their ongoing discoveries and interests in insects, rocks, and nature, as well as their wish to join my next program or even

Q:What do you like to do in China when you are not working?

Thomas A. Stidham:First, I enjoy exploring the country. From hiking the Great Wall to visiting minority festivals in far-flung places like rural Guizhou, I have seen most parts of China during my time here. The Tibetan Plateau is one of my favorite places in the world, and I’m always planning to return for its rich bird life and culture. In Beijing, I also frequently take cooking classes, learning to make traditional Chinese dishes from scratch, like mooncakes, noodles, tofu, and dumplings. Additionally, since I study birds, I try to watch birds whenever I can. China and Beijing have many species of birds, and I have been trying to take more pictures of them in the last few years. I am far from done exploring China, and I think there is so much left to discover. After being a part of China for so long, I will typically answer Beijing when people ask me where I am from. I have lived here longer than any other place in my adult life, and in my heart, I feel I am a Beijinger now.


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