我是说 我要是你就那么做
Well, I mean. That's what I would do, if I were you.
可我不是你 你最好乖乖做
But I'm not. So you do it.
可能有某人不希望 让这些照片流传在外呢
Maybe a certain someone wouldn't want these blowing around on the savannah.
老爸还挺厉害 马蒂
Old man is not too bad, hey Marty?
马蒂? 谁是马蒂?
Marty? Who's Marty?
- 别装了 - 我不认识马蒂 别叫我马蒂
- Come on? - I don't know Marty. Don't call me Marty.
You can't fool me.
我没看到马蒂 这儿没有马蒂
I don't see no Marty. Ain't no Marty here.
马蒂 我可以看着你的眼睛
Marty, I can look into your eyes...
我知道 就是你
and I know it's you.
好吧 但你也太丑了
Alright but you are so darn ugly