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作者:学堂知识 来源:网络 日期:2023/1/25 9:04:58 人气:2 加入收藏 标签:me is in

对自由世界最有权势的人说不,可不容易 有些时候,想要赢得上司的尊重,就只能违抗他。

15、Friends make the worst enemies.


16、You know what Francis said to me when he proposed?I remember his exact words.Hesaid, “Claire, if all you want is happiness,Say no.Im not gonna give you a couple of kids and count the days until retirement.I promise you freedom from that.I promise youll never be bored.”

你知道弗兰西斯向我求婚时说什么吗?他说的每个字我都记得。他说 克莱尔如果你只想要幸福,那就拒绝吧,我不会跟你生一堆孩子,然后数着日子退休,我保证你免受这些痛苦,也永远不会无聊。

17、Proximity to power deludes some into believing they wield it. I put an end to that sort of thinking before it begins.

接近权力让一些人错以为他们拥有权力 我要把这种错觉扼杀在萌芽中

18、It only takes ten seconds to crush a mans ambitions. I need to take care that I protect mine.

十秒钟就足以摧毁一个人的雄心 我得小心保护自己的雄心

19、 Once someone is exposed,theyre at your mercy.

一个人的目的一旦暴露 他们就得听你发落

20 、We may have our disagreements, Linda, but that doesnt mean we cant look out for each other.

我们虽有分歧 但不代表我们不能互相照应

21、A great man once said that everything in life is about sex.. Except sex.Sex is about power.

一位伟人曾经说过 .生活的一切都和性有关,除了性本身,性关乎权力。

22、So you need a whore, which makes you a pimp.Im not a pimp. Just a very generous John.Fine. As long as were clear about what this is,I can play the whore. Now pay me.


23、which means hes one step above me and one below Birch, which is akin to being between a very hungry wolf and a very quarrelsome sheep. Lets see if he stays with the herd or joins the pack.


24、Love of family. Most politicians are permanently chained to that slogan family values. But when you cozy up to hookers and I find out,I will make that hypocrisy hurt.


25、The rational and the irrational complement each other. Inpidually, they are far less powerful.


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