When I look back upon my life, I am filled with gratitude for the love and guidance my father has given me. He has been not just a parent but a mentor, a friend, and an unwavering source of support through all the highs and lows of my journey. As Father's Day approaches, I want to honor him through this verse that captures the depth of his love.
My father, my first hero, my first teacher,
Who held my hand and showed me the way.
Who taught me to dream, to strive, to reach for the stars,
And never give up, come what may.
His love was like the sun, warm and bright,
Which brightened up the darkest of my days.
A beacon of light, a rock-solid foundation,
That gave me hope, in so many ways.
Life can be tough, and it wasn’t always easy
But my father, never gave up on me.
He taught me to be resilient, to look for the silver lining,
And to face every challenge with grace and dignity.
His love gave me strength, courage, and resolve,
To tackle whatever came my way.
I knew that with him by my side,
I could weather every storm that day.
My father taught me the value of hard work,
And the joy of simple things in life.
A walk in the park, a game of catch,
A cup of tea shared in strife.
He taught me to appreciate the blessings of everyday,
To cherish the moments we share,
And to give back to the world in kindness,
And to show compassion, love, and care.
My father’s love is a gift that I treasure,
A bond that time cannot sever.
For all that he has done, all that he has given,
I am forever grateful, now and forever.
As I celebrate Father's Day this year,
I want to let him know how much he means to me.
That I am who I am today,
All thanks to his love, guidance, and care.
And though my words may fall short,
I hope this verse captures at least some bit
Of the depth of my love, admiration, and gratitude,
For the man who raised me, my dad, my hero, my guide.