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Learn How to Pronounce "Crayon" in English

For many non-native English speakers, pronouncing certain words can be a challenge. One word that frequently trips people up is "crayon." This humble art supply is often mispronounced, even by people who speak English fluently. In this article, we'll teach you how to correctly say "crayon" in English.

What is a Crayon?

Before we get to the pronunciation, let's talk a bit about what a crayon actually is. A crayon is a stick of colored wax or chalk that is used for drawing or coloring. They come in a variety of colors and are a popular art supply for children and adults alike. A common brand of crayons is Crayola, which is known for producing high-quality, vibrant colors.

The Correct Pronunciation of "Crayon"

Now, onto the pronunciation. "Crayon" is pronounced "kray-on." The first syllable is pronounced like the word "gray," and the second syllable is pronounced like the word "on." Together, they create the word "kray-on." Note that the emphasis is on the first syllable.

Some people may be tempted to pronounce "crayon" as "cray-awn," with a long "a" sound in the second syllable. While this may sound correct in some dialects, it is not the standard pronunciation in American English. If you want to be understood by native English speakers, it's best to stick with "kray-on."

Common Mispronunciations of "Crayon"

Despite the correct pronunciation being "kray-on," many people mispronounce this word. Here are some common mispronunciations:

"Crown" - This is perhaps the most common mispronunciation. While "crown" and "crayon" sound similar, they are not the same word.

"Cran" - Some people drop the final syllable altogether and simply pronounce "crayon" as "cran."

"Cray-un" - This pronunciation adds an extra syllable between the "kray" and "on," making the word sound clunky.

Practice Your Pronunciation

If you're still struggling with pronouncing "crayon," don't worry! Practice makes perfect. Here are a few tips to help improve your pronunciation:

Listen carefully to native English speakers saying the word "crayon." Pay attention to how they emphasize the first syllable and the way they form the "r" sound.

Repeat the word "crayon" out loud several times. Practice saying it slowly and then gradually speed up your pronunciation.

Record yourself saying "crayon" and listen back to it. Compare your pronunciation to that of native English speakers.


Mastering the pronunciation of "crayon" may seem like a small thing, but it can make a big difference in how you're understood by native English speakers. By following the tips in this article and practicing your pronunciation, you'll be well on your way to saying "kray-on" like a pro.

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