1. 我每天都乘坐Bybus去上班。
(I take bybus to work every day.)
2. 我在车站等了一个小时,因为Bybus晚点了。
(I waited at the bus stop for an hour because the bybus was delayed.)
3. 我喜欢在Bybus上看书,这样时间就不会浪费了。
(I like to read on the bybus so that I don't waste time.)
1. 我在Bytrain上睡了一个下午觉,很轻松。
(I slept all afternoon on the bytrain, it was very relaxing.)
2. 我们打算下个月度假,要坐Bytrain去西雅图。
(We are planning a vacation next month and we'll take bytrain to Seattle.)
3. 我发现乘坐Bytrain比开车更加的方便和省时。
(I found that taking the bytrain is more convenient and time-saving than driving.)