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作者:学堂知识 来源:网络 日期:2024/4/19 2:48:04 人气:3 加入收藏 标签:in ing




When it comes to...(当谈到...),the reasons behind it are manifold. (其原因是多方面的)

例句:When it comes to the rising trend of online shopping, the reasons behind it are manifold, such as the convenience, variety, and lower prices.

The reasons why...(为什么...) are numerous/far-reaching. (原因很多/深远)

例句:The reasons why computer technology has become an indispensable part of our lives are numerous and far-reaching.


In comparison with...(与...相比),(noun) is more/less (adj) (S). (与(noun)相比,(S)更/不太(adj))

例句:In comparison with traditional textbooks, e-textbooks are more convenient and environmentally-friendly.

There are some similarities/differences between...(在...之间有些相似之处/不同之处)

例句:There are some similarities between online learning and traditional classroom learning, but there are also some notable differences.


For instance/For example, (S) illustrates that...(例如,(S)能说明...)

例句:For example, the popularity of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram illustrates that people have an increasing need for connection and sharing.

Take...(拿...举例), for instance/for example. (拿...(S)举例,比如...)

例句:Take Japan, for instance, where people have developed a unique and efficient way of using space due to the scarcity of land.


From what has been discussed above, we may draw the conclusion that...(从以上讨论中,我们可以得出结论,那就是...)

例句:From what has been discussed above, we may draw the conclusion that it is essential to balance work and leisure in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

To sum up/in conclusion, we can say that...(总之,我们可以说...)

例句:To sum up, after analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad, we can say that it is a valuable and life-changing experience for many students.


It is suggested that...(建议...(S))

例句:It is suggested that students should take advantage of their time in college to explore different fields of study and gain diverse perspectives.

We should...(我们应该...)

例句:We should take proactive measures to protect our environment, such as reducing plastic waste and using renewable energy sources.



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