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作者:学堂知识 来源:网络 日期:2024/4/17 23:38:53 人气:3 加入收藏 标签:the in is be




现在完成时由“have/has”+ 过去分词构成。它表示某个动作或状态在过去发生了,并且和现在有关。通常用来表达以下情况:

1. 过去的动作或状态持续到现在。

2. 过去的动作或状态有结果或影响到了当前的情况。

3. 表示过去某个时间点之前发生过的动作或状态。


1. She has been studying for five hours.(她已经学习了五个小时了。)

2. I have eaten breakfast already.(我已经吃过早餐了。)

3. They have lived in this city for three years.(他们已经在这个城市住了三年了。)

4. We haven’t seen each other since last year.(我们自去年以来都没有见过。)


1. 现在完成时通常与“for”和“since”一起使用。例如:I have been waiting for you for an hour.(我已经等你一个小时了。)或They have been married since 2010.(他们自2010年开始就结婚了。)

2. 与现在完成时搭配的时间状语一般包括:ever, never, already, yet, just, recently等。


1. Have you ever been to Paris?(你去过巴黎吗?)

2. They haven’t finished their homework yet.(他们还没有完成作业。)

3. She has just arrived at the airport.(她刚刚到达机场。)

4. We have recently moved to a new house.(我们最近搬到了一个新房子。)




Example sentence for present perfect tense

The present perfect tense is a very common tense in English. It is used to describe an action or state that has already been completed, and is related to the present. In this article, we will explore the use of the present perfect tense and provide some examples to help you better understand this tense.


Present perfect tense is formed by "have/has" + past participle. It indicates that an action or state happened in the past and is related to the present. It is usually used to express the following:

1. The past action or state continues to the present.

2. The past action or state has a result or influences the current situation.

3. The action or state that occurred before a certain time in the past.


1. She has been studying for five hours.

2. I have eaten breakfast already.

3. They have lived in this city for three years.

4. We haven’t seen each other since last year.


1. The present perfect tense is usually used with "for" and "since". For example: I have been waiting for you for an hour. Or They have been married since 2010.

2. Time adverbs generally used with the present perfect tense include: ever, never, already, yet, just, recently and so on.


1. Have you ever been to Paris?

2. They haven’t finished their homework yet.

3. She has just arrived at the airport.

4. We have recently moved to a new house.


The present perfect tense is a very common tense in English, used to describe an action or state that has already been completed and is related to the present. It is usually used with "for" and "since", as well as some time adverbs. Understanding the use of the present perfect tense can help you better express the connection between the past and the present.

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