? I need to make a choice between two different job offers.
? Have you made a choice about what to wear to the party?
这个短语的意思和“make a choice”类似,也是“做出决定”。例如:
? It's time for me to make a decision about which college to attend.
? We can't wait any longer, we need to make a decision now.
? Let me know when you pick an option for dinner tonight.
? We'll need to pick an option for the color scheme of the website.
? I need to choose between going to the gym or going for a run.
? You'll have to choose between staying home and watching a movie, or going out with your friends.
? I think I'm going to opt for the salad instead of the burger.
? Why don't you opt for the blue shirt instead of the red one?
? We need to decide on a location for our next vacation.
? Have you decided on what you want for your birthday present?
? After much deliberation, we settled on the new office location.
? I finally settled on the blue and gray color scheme for my new website.