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作者:学堂知识 来源:网络 日期:2024/4/4 14:16:20 人气:2 加入收藏 标签:the be The is

How to pronounce the word "Decision"

If you're an English language learner, you may struggle with the pronunciation of certain words. One of those words may be "decision." So how do you pronounce this word correctly? Let's break it down:

The "de" sound

The first syllable "de" should be pronounced as "duh."

The "ci" sound

The second syllable "ci" should be pronounced as "sih."

The "sion" sound

The third syllable "sion" can be a bit tricky for some. It should be pronounced as "zhun" (like the "s" in "measure" and the "n" in "vision"). So altogether, it's pronounced "duh-sih-zhun."

When learning English, it's important to not only know how to spell words correctly, but also how to pronounce them. Practice saying "decision" slowly and then gradually speed up. Repeat it several times until you feel comfortable with the pronunciation.

Remember, don't be afraid to ask for help or clarification. English can be a difficult language to master, but with practice and patience, you'll get there.

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