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托福高分句子(Rewriting High-Scoring TOEFL Sentences for a Stronger Title Tips and Examples)

作者:学堂知识 来源:网络 日期:2024/2/29 8:15:20 人气:4 加入收藏 标签:ing in and the

What Makes a High-Scoring TOEFL Sentence?

For those who are preparing for TOEFL, getting a high score is the ultimate goal. One key factor is the ability to construct high-scoring sentences. But what exactly makes a sentence high-scoring in TOEFL?

Firstly, a high-scoring TOEFL sentence is clear and concise. It gets straight to the point, and doesn't use unnecessary words or phrases.

Secondly, it showcases a good grasp of grammar and vocabulary. The sentence uses appropriate tenses, subject-verb agreements, and complex sentence structures, all while utilizing a varied and appropriate vocabulary.

Lastly, a high-scoring sentence in TOEFL demonstrates your ability to integrate different points of view or ideas in a cohesive and logical manner, often through the use of transitional phrases.

Tips for Rewriting High-Scoring TOEFL Sentences

Now that you understand what makes a high-scoring TOEFL sentence, here are some tips and examples for rewriting your own sentences to this level:

1. Use precise and varied vocabulary

Instead of using simple words repeatedly, try utilizing synonyms and more specific language. For example, instead of “good,” use “exceptional” or “outstanding.”

2. Combine sentences using transitional phrases

Instead of writing separate sentences, use transitional phrases to combine your ideas. Examples include “however,” “in addition,” and “in contrast.”

3. Change passive voice to active voice

Active voice is more concise and impactful. For instance, instead of saying “The book was read by me,” say “I read the book.”

4. Use complex sentence structures

Try to avoid overly simplistic sentence structures. Instead, challenge yourself by incorporating dependent clauses and phrases, such as “Although I was tired, I continued studying for the exam.”

Examples of Rewritten High-Scoring TOEFL Sentences

Here are some examples of original sentences and their rewritten high-scoring versions:

Original: The weather is nice today. I am going to go for a walk.

Rewritten: With the beautiful weather, I intend to take a leisurely stroll.

Original: The teacher gave us a lot of homework. We worked on it until late at night.

Rewritten: Despite the copious amount of homework our teacher assigned, we slaved away until the wee hours of the night.

Original: The movie was watched by me last night.

Rewritten: Last night, I viewed the movie.

Original: In the morning, I like to eat breakfast. I drink coffee during this time as well.

Rewritten: Every morning, I savor my breakfast while simultaneously indulging in a steaming cup of coffee.


By following the tips above and practicing regularly, you can elevate your sentences to a high-scoring level in TOEFL. Remember to strive for precision, complexity, and cohesion, and you'll be well on your way to achieving the score you desire.

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