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作者:学堂知识 来源:网络 日期:2023/12/30 13:47:13 人气:7 加入收藏 标签:ing the is me and

When You Miss Someone: Expressing Longing in English

Missing someone is a universal emotion that everyone experiences at some point in life. Whether it's a long-distance relationship, a loved one who has passed away, or a friend you haven't seen in a while, the feeling of longing and yearning can be overwhelming. Expressing these emotions can be difficult, but in English, there are many phrases and idioms that perfectly convey the emotions of missing someone. Here are some examples:

1. "I Miss You"

The simplest and most straightforward way of expressing longing is simply saying "I miss you". This phrase is short and sweet but has the power to convey a lot of emotion. When you say "I miss you" to someone, it communicates that you are thinking about them and want to be with them.

2. "I Wish You Were Here"

When you are missing someone who is physically far away, saying "I wish you were here" can be a powerful way of expressing your feelings. This phrase communicates that you are longing for their presence and that things would be better if they were with you.

3. "You're Always on My Mind"

Expressing that someone is always on your mind communicates that you are thinking about their presence even when they are not around. This phrase conveys a sense of deep emotional attachment and is a powerful way of expressing the emotions of missing someone.

4. "I Can't Stop Thinking About You"

When you miss someone, it's easy to get lost in your thoughts and memories of them. Saying "I can't stop thinking about you" communicates that you are preoccupied with the person, and that your thoughts are dominated by them.

5. "I Long to See You"

If you are missing someone and yearning for their physical presence, saying that you long to see them can express your emotions perfectly. This phrase communicates that you are eagerly waiting for the time when you can be reunited with the person.

6. "My Heart Aches for You"

When you are missing someone, the emotions can be overwhelming, and you may feel a deep sense of longing and pain. Saying "my heart aches for you" communicates the depth of your emotions and the profound effect that the person has on you.


Missing someone can be a challenging emotion to navigate, but expressing your feelings can help you cope with the emotions of longing and yearning. These phrases and idioms in English are a powerful way of communicating your emotions and letting the other person know how much they mean to you.

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