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高中英语句子积累(High School English Sentence Phrases for Improving Writing)

作者:学堂知识 来源:学堂知识 日期:2023/12/13 10:05:14 人气:7 加入收藏 标签:the ing and is


Writing is an essential skill that everyone should have. It is a way to express thoughts, ideas, and emotions. However, it is not always easy to write well. High school English classes are an excellent way to develop your writing skills, and one crucial aspect of writing is mastering sentence structure. In this article, we will explore some common high school English sentence phrases that you can use to improve your writing.

The Importance of Sentence Structure

Sentence structure is the foundation of good writing. It involves the arrangement of words and phrases to create coherent, meaningful sentences. Good sentence structure helps convey ideas clearly and effectively, making your writing more readable and engaging. By using high school English sentence phrases, you can improve your sentence structure and make your writing more polished and professional.

High School English Sentence Phrases

Here are some examples of high school English sentence phrases that you can use to improve your writing:

1. In addition to

Example: In addition to studying for exams, I also have to work part-time.

2. Furthermore

Example: Furthermore, the data suggests that there is a strong correlation between exercise and mental health.

3. On the other hand

Example: On the other hand, some people argue that social media has a negative impact on mental health.

4. In conclusion

Example: In conclusion, it is evident that technology has greatly transformed the way we live our lives.

5. Therefore

Example: The results of the study were inconclusive; therefore, further research is needed.

6. Moreover

Example: Moreover, the study found that people who regularly meditate have improved focus and productivity.

7. Despite

Example: Despite the challenges, the team managed to win the game.

8. Although

Example: Although the weather was bad, we still decided to go out for a walk.

9. In contrast to

Example: In contrast to the previous study, our research found a different trend.

10. In order to

Example: In order to achieve success, one must be willing to take risks.

How to Use These Phrases

To use these high school English sentence phrases effectively, you need to know when and where to use them. These phrases are particularly useful in the introduction, body, and conclusion of an essay or article. They can help you transition smoothly between ideas and make your writing more coherent and cohesive.


In conclusion, good writing requires mastery of sentence structure, and using high school English sentence phrases is an excellent way to improve your writing. These phrases can help you create well-structured and engaging sentences, making your writing more polished, professional, and effective. By incorporating these phrases into your writing, you can take your skills to the next level and become a more confident and successful writer.

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