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作者:学堂知识 来源:学堂知识 日期:2023/12/13 9:58:44 人气:9 加入收藏 标签:the ing The is in


As an editor, one needs to have a strong grasp of English vocabulary. However, simply memorizing word lists can be dull and ineffective. One way to make the task more engaging is to learn words in context. In this article, we compile a list of high school English sentences that not only help you expand your vocabulary but also give you a sense of how words are used in context.

English Sentences for Vocabulary Building

Let's start with some common English sentences.

1. The cat is asleep on the windowsill.

2. The teacher gave a lengthy explanation of the homework.

3. The football team won the championship title.

4. The politician gave a fiery speech at the rally.

5. The concert was cancelled due to bad weather.

Sentences with Advanced Vocabulary

1. The philanthropist donated a substantial amount of money to charity.

2. The artist's oeuvre spans over four decades.

3. The scientist's hypothesis was proven to be true.

4. The CEO's acumen in business is unparalleled.

5. The professor's lecture on quantum mechanics was mind-boggling.

Sentences with Idioms and Phrases

1. I'd rather be safe than sorry.

2. It's no use crying over spilt milk.

3. He's a chip off the old block.

4. She hit the nail on the head with her analysis.

5. He's walking on thin ice with his behavior.

Sentences with Collocations

1. He's addicted to coffee and cigarettes.

2. The company launched a new product line.

3. She's studying for her law degree.

4. He applied for a position in the marketing department.

5. They're preparing for their wedding ceremony.

Sentences with Prefixes and Suffixes

1. The renovation project was a huge undertaking.

2. Her malnutrition was caused by poverty.

3. The audience's preconception of the play was shattered by the performance.

4. The biopic provided a retrospective of the artist's life.

5. The athlete's overconfidence led to his downfall.


Learning English vocabulary can be an arduous task. However, by incorporating context and building knowledge within the framework of sentences, it can become more bearable and even fun. The sentences we've compiled here offer a starting point for those wanting to expand their vocabulary and improve their English writing and speaking skills.

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