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作者:句子 来源:句子 日期:2023/10/3 8:51:56 人气:8 加入收藏 标签:the we ing is




1. What do you want to do this weekend? -- I want to go swimming.

2. Where are you going on vacation? -- I am going to Hawaii.

3. How often do you exercise? -- I exercise every day.


1. I am reading a book now. (现在进行时)

2. I have visited Beijing twice. (现在完成时)

3. I will go to Japan next month. (将来时)



A: Can I help you?

B: Yes, please. I am looking for some new shoes.

A: What size do you wear?

B: I wear size 8.

A: What color do you like?

B: I like blue.

A: Here are some blue shoes in size 8. How do they fit?

B: They fit great. I will take them.


A: How was your weekend?

B: It was great! I went to the beach with my family.

A: Oh, that sounds like fun. Did you swim in the ocean?

B: Yes, we did. The water was cold though.

A: Did you eat any good seafood?

B: Yes, we had lobster for dinner one night.

A: Yum! I love lobster.


Mary's family loves to go fishing. They usually go to the lake on weekends. Last weekend, they woke up early and packed some sandwiches and drinks for the trip. When they arrived at the lake, they rented a boat and started to fish. Mary's father caught a big fish, but he decided to let it go because it was too small.

1. What does Mary's family like to do on weekends?

A. Play soccer
B. Go fishing
C. Watch movies


2. What did Mary's family bring to the lake?

A. Toys
B. Sandwiches and drinks
C. Books


3. Why did Mary's father let the big fish go?

A. Because it was too big
B. Because it was too heavy
C. Because it was too small




1. Hello. How are you?

2. I am fine, thank you. And you?

3. I am good too, thanks.

4. What did you do last weekend?

5. I went to the movies with some friends.

6. What kind of movies do you like?

7. I like action movies and comedies.

8. That sounds like fun.

9. Yes, it was a great time.

10. Well, have a good day!



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