Depression is like a never-ending storm. It sweeps in and engulfs me, leaving me feeling lost, helpless and alone. I feel like I'm always drowning and no one is there to rescue me. Even though people tell me to just “snap out” of it, it's not something that can be easily overcome.
Every day feels like a struggle, like I am constantly carrying a heavy burden on my shoulders. Even the simplest of tasks, like getting out of bed, seem difficult. There are days when I don't want to do anything at all, I just want to curl up in a ball and disappear. It feels like I am trapped inside my own mind and there is no escape.
Depression leaves me feeling isolated and lonely, even when I am surrounded by people. It's like I am watching the world from behind a glass wall, unable to fully participate in it. I know that people care about me, but I feel like a burden to them. I don't want to bring anyone down with my own struggles.
Depression is like a never-ending cycle. The more I try to push it away, the stronger it seems to become. It's as if I am constantly battling with my own thoughts and emotions, and I just can't get a break. There are moments when I feel like things will never get better, and that's when the hopelessness sets in.
One of the hardest things about depression is the stigma that comes with it. People often view it as a weakness, or something that can be easily cured. But mental illness is just as real as physical illness, and it requires just as much attention and care. I wish people could understand that without judgment or ignorance.
Despite all of these struggles, I hold onto hope that things will get better. I know that depression is not a life sentence, and that there is help and support available. I have reached out for help and am currently receiving treatment, which has proven to be helpful. It's a slow process, but I am taking steps forward each day.
Depression is a difficult journey, but I know that there are others walking alongside me. If you or someone you know is struggling with depression, know that it's okay to reach out for help. You are not alone, and there is hope for a brighter tomorrow.