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作者:广告语 来源:网络 日期:2022/12/7 19:18:15 人气:6 加入收藏 标签:阴森 the in he

gloomy; weird; ominous


An ancient pagoda frown;on the mountainside.

一座古塔阴森森矗立在山腰上。That's spooky!

阴森森的!A spooky old house

阴森森的老房子.Very dark or gloomy.

幽暗的极为黑暗的或阴森森的The car's headlights pierced the gloom of darkness

汽车的前灯刺破了阴森森的黑夜。Every time I come here I'm going to get a chill.

我每次来这都觉得这里阴森森的。On a moonless night the path was dark and gloomy, giving one the creeps.

在一个没有月光的晚上,路上阴森森的,使人感到非常害怕。Fear came on her as she opened that gloomy house

她一打开那所阴森森的房子,一阵恐惧便朝她袭来。In the washroom by the entrance, Levchenko remarked that a kind of sepulchral quiet seemed to pervade the residency

在大门旁边的盥洗室里,列夫钦科说情报站里安静得似乎有点阴森森。The boy watched him with big blue eyes that had an uncanny cold fire in them, and he said never a word.

孩子用他那双蓝蓝的大眼睛――那双发出神秘的、阴森森的闪光的大眼睛――盯住他,没有再说什么。 gloomy是什么意思:

adj. 黑暗的,阴暗的;忧郁的,沮丧的

She is always in that gloomy mood.

她总是那样情绪低沉。Real life was gloomy and strenuous.

真实的生活又沉闷又紧张。Dark,misty,and gloomy.


adj. 超自然的;离奇的

n. 命运;预言者

Weird talks are absurdly comical.

怪谈诚谐。There is a weird feeling about the place.

这地方有一种神秘的气氛。 The logic of this was weird to say the least.


adj. 不祥的,不吉利的;预兆的

She often has an ominous presentiment.

她时时有一种不祥的预感。There are no Tokyo dwellers lurking ominously in their gangs

没有东京人在他们中间花言巧语胡出主意。An ominous stillness fell upon the room.


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