v. 管理;经营;控制;完成、做到(困难的事)
Today’s parents are trying to manage their children’s lives.
(2015 北京)
manage to do sth. 设法做某事,成功做某事
manager n. 经理
management n. 管理
"I thought it would be useful for him to learn Chinese at an early age" Joseph Stocke, the managing director of a
2014年高考英语全国卷2 阅读理解 阅读C 原文
A grasp of how to manage color in your spaces is one of the first steps to creating rooms you'll love to live in.
2018年高考英语全国卷I 阅读理解 七选五 原文
Bruce Pederson, the managing director of Bookcrossing, says, "the two things that change your life are the people you meet and books you read."
2016年高考英语全国卷2 阅读理解 阅读C 原文
Different cultures have different ways of managing people.
2016年高考英语上海卷 完形填空 原文
Fish and Wildlife Service carefully monitors and manages the wolf packs in Yellowstone.
2017年高考英语全国卷3 阅读理解 阅读C 原文
Fortunately, I managed to get in touch with a Dartmoor's livestock protection officer and send her a photo.
2015年高考英语湖北卷 阅读理解 阅读A 原文
Having worked for two days, Steve managed to finish his report on schedule.
2015年高考英语天津卷 单项填空 原文
He couldn't walk, but he managed to get out of the crevasse and started to move towards their camp, nearly ten kilometers away.
2014年高考英语全国卷2 完形填空 原文
I didn't
2016年高考英语全国卷2 听力 原文
I had hoped to send Peter a gift to congratulate him on his marriage, but I couldn't manage it.
2019年高考英语天津卷 单项填空 原文
I managed to get an a in that course and learn life lessons that have served me well beyond the classroom.
2018年高考英语全国卷I 完形填空 原文
Later, engineers managed to construct railways in a system of deep tunnels, which became known to the tube.
2017年高考英语全国卷2 语法填空 原文
Managing the family budget must have been a very hard task, but she made it look effortless.
2016年高考英语浙江卷(6月) 阅读理解 阅读D 原文
Naomi managed to figure out 16 of Steve's favorite, and most personal songs.
2019年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文
Other road users, including horse riders, manage to obey the rules so why not cyclists?
2015年高考英语湖南卷 阅读理解 阅读A 原文
The bus hit a lamp post and it broke the glass on the front door before Harvold managed to bring the bus to a stop.
2017年高考英语浙江卷(11月) 完形填空 原文
This is usually interpreted as a sign that today's parents are trying to manage their children's lives past the point where this behavior is appropriate.
2015年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文
Under such circumstances, smart firms need to find ways to let their employees have enough flexibility to manage their time efficiently.
2016年高考英语浙江卷(10月) 阅读理解 阅读C 原文
【收藏备用】真题语境复习词汇1. effect
【收藏备用】真题语境复习词汇2. prepare
【收藏备用】真题语境复习词汇3. energy
【收藏备用】真题语境复习词汇4. focus
【收藏备用】真题语境复习词汇5. deal
【收藏备用】真题语境复习词汇6. value
【收藏备用】真题语境复习词汇7. effort
【收藏备用】真题语境复习词汇8. notice
【收藏备用】真题语境复习词汇9. available
【收藏备用】真题语境复习词汇10. purpose
【收藏备用】真题语境复习词汇11. introduce
【收藏备用】真题语境复习词汇12. raise
【收藏备用】真题语境复习词汇13. describe
【收藏备用】真题语境复习词汇14. opportunity
【收藏备用】真题语境复习词汇17. risk【收藏备用】真题语境复习词汇18. process【收藏备用】真题语境复习词汇19. recognize【收藏备用】真题语境复习词汇20. attend【收藏备用】真题语境复习词汇21. affect【收藏备用】真题语境复习词汇22. force高考真题套题
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