1,关于英语的对联2,对联英文对联英语翻译3,一般家门口贴的对联的英文翻译4,中国的对联用英语咋说5,对联用英语怎么说6,春联的英文写法7,英文版春联有哪些8,英语 春节对联
语法学自英伦,沟通世界 词汇用在华夏,走遍全球
对联: couplets.例如: Houses are decorated with red paper banners which have auspicious couplets written on them. 人们的房子都会用对联来装饰。
couplet 对联
lantern 灯笼
an upside down fu 倒福
Antithetical译为:Chinese coupletdui lian 英语发音是"堆~练~"
1、distichn.对句, 对联,押韵对句2、coupletn.对句, 对联;两行诗(两行构成一节的诗体); 对句; 双韵; [pl. ]对联上联 impossible is nothing 下联 nothing is impossible横批 just do it
1. Spring Festival couplets 2. New Year scrolls 3. New Year couplet 4. spring festival scrolls 一般都使用Spring Festival couplets 其实你所说的那两个无非是couplets的c的大小写区别,一般都是使用小写,即你所列第一个,因为春节是特定名词所以Spring Festival开头要用大写,而对联并非特定的名词,所以couplets都是用小写的。
1.Celebrates the new year, thousand villages shoot off firecrackers, ten thousand households write the association, the happy artillery spring festival couplet awakes the informer
2.Raises the healthy tendency, nine wild thunder, the common people beat a drum, startling thunderclap alarm drum strong landscape
Pink willow green, the hawk song, the firecracker fireworks welcomes the prosperous times
The world at peace, the year abundant person is long-lived, the song of victory graceful dance celebrates the early spring
给你两1.Celebrates the new year, thousand villages shoot off firecrackers, ten thousand households write the association, the happy artillery spring festival couplet awakes the informer
2.Raises the healthy tendency, nine wild thunder, the common people beat a drum, startling thunderclap alarm drum strong landscape
Pink willow green, the hawk song, the firecracker fireworks welcomes the prosperous times.
The world at peace, the year abundant person is long-lived, the song of victory graceful dance celebrates the early spring.
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